Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged kaleo phx
Transfiguration Sunday: Jesus and John Brown (The Embodied Witness) | @kaleophx

I believe John Brown was an embodied witness of Jesus because he looked at the scriptures and saw liberation and a God of love. And then embodied in practice what he believed the spirit of God wanted for the people of his time…FREEDOM. Now, not everybody agrees with his method of violence, and you don’t have to agree with it…

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Epiphany #3 - Liberation in Genealogy | @kaleophx

On the weekend of MLK Day, my husband and I had the privilege of having dinner with one of our city’s matriarchs, Linda Morris, and this sermon was inspired by her. Click here for a recording from that gathering and a transcript of my message notes.

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Our Reaction to the ASU Multi-Cultural Space | Erin Dooley & Ericka Byrne

At the beginning of the fall semester, “Millions of people watched a disagreement between pairs of students at Arizona State University that was captured on video, with the clip showing two white male students getting asked to leave a multicultural space. Groups of ASU students have advocated for multicultural spaces on campus for several years to provide an area for students of color, underrepresented minorities, LGBTQ students and others to meet and discuss issues.” In this episode, Erin Dooley and Ericka Vaughn Byrne sit down to talk through their reaction to the ASU Multi-cultural Space video.

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Advent #2 - Vote & Make Crooked Places Straight | @kaleophx

The coming of the birth of Jesus was indeed a threat to political power, authority, and rule. But to those experiencing oppression, the coming of Jesus was a gift of hope and liberation.

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Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, Truthsgiving, and the Persistent Widow | KALEO PHX

After the heavy week of Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, and ASU Multi-cultural center, I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, November 21, 2021. This is a recording from that gathering and below is a transcript of my message notes.

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Stained Glass: The Incarnate | KALEO PHX

In order for something to be reconciled, you have to give a full account of what was done. Everything must be accounted for. So for us to truly see racial reconciliation, we must give an account of every racial injustice that has happened in our country. Which is messy...difficult...hard...but it must be done if we are to build multi-ethnic communities of healing. A flourishing church. A highly incarnational church.

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Church History IS Critical Race Theory | KALEO PHX

To not acknowledge the history of something, is to perpetuate the existence of something. This is why Critical Race Theory is important. I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, June 6, 2021 and this is a recording from that gathering. Click to see is a transcript of my message notes.

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Advertising, BLM, CRT, and the Formation of Repetition | KALEO PHX

I never would have thought 5 years ago that I would be a pastor and the topics in my sermon would be these. The work that we're doing at Kaleo Phoenix, I truly believe, is a move of the Spirit and I'm blessed to be a part of it. I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, May 16, 2021 and this is a recording from that gathering along with a transcript of my message/notes.

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Building Beloved Community | KALEO PHX

How would Jesus address the injustices shown towards Daunte Wright, Caron Nazario, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery? How would Jesus create space to comfort the communities hurting from the loss of life? How would Jesus address the dangers of White Supremacy? How would Jesus create space for racial reconciliation? I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, April 18, 2021, doing my best to address these things in humility and love. This is a recording from that gathering. Below is a transcript of my message/notes.

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Ordination Service at Kaleo Phoenix

The ordination service was nothing short of amazing. I was definitely a bit stressed (it was rainy and cold all day) and my message didn’t come out exactly as I planned, but all in all, I’m grateful.

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Ubani Ukuku | Black Women and the Place of Justice within the Church - EPISODE 057

In this episode, I sit down with Ubani Ukuku and talk about Black women in America, the importance of voting, the upcoming election, and all the amazing things she's doing through her justice coaching program (of which, I'm proud to say, I will be going through myself in January 2021). Black women have a unique vantage point when it comes to how the systems work and how we can reimagine a better future. Listen and learn from the best of the best — Ubani Ukuku.

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Tana Padilla | How To Have Racial Reconciliation in Your Church - EPISODE 056

Tana Padilla is the FIRST Christian white woman I have ever met personally that is actively fighting for racial justice and advocating for black and brown people. In this episode, we discuss the hard truths of racism in the church and what it takes to see racial reconciliation.

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I talked about RACISM to WHITE PEOPLE for the first time publicly 😯

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I've been participating in a zoom bible study on Sunday nights with @kaleophx and the pastor asked me to share something. If you know me, I don't normally get emotional when I talk in front of people...but this time...I did.

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Chris Townley | Coronavirus and the Church - EPISODE 055

Chris is a co-founding pastor of Kaleo Phoenix a church centered around the idea of “Table Gathering” - before meeting in sanctuaries, church buildings, or cathedrals, followers of Jesus met in homes around tables, practicing the ways of Jesus by eating and drinking together. In this episode, we talk about how he structures Kaleo Phoenix, COVID-19’s effect on the Church, and The Unique Leadership Style of The Trinity.

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