Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged white power
Ubani Ukuku | Black Women and the Place of Justice within the Church - EPISODE 057

In this episode, I sit down with Ubani Ukuku and talk about Black women in America, the importance of voting, the upcoming election, and all the amazing things she's doing through her justice coaching program (of which, I'm proud to say, I will be going through myself in January 2021). Black women have a unique vantage point when it comes to how the systems work and how we can reimagine a better future. Listen and learn from the best of the best — Ubani Ukuku.

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Tana Padilla | How To Have Racial Reconciliation in Your Church - EPISODE 056

Tana Padilla is the FIRST Christian white woman I have ever met personally that is actively fighting for racial justice and advocating for black and brown people. In this episode, we discuss the hard truths of racism in the church and what it takes to see racial reconciliation.

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