Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged erinvlashley
Ubani Ukuku | Black Women and the Place of Justice within the Church - EPISODE 057

In this episode, I sit down with Ubani Ukuku and talk about Black women in America, the importance of voting, the upcoming election, and all the amazing things she's doing through her justice coaching program (of which, I'm proud to say, I will be going through myself in January 2021). Black women have a unique vantage point when it comes to how the systems work and how we can reimagine a better future. Listen and learn from the best of the best — Ubani Ukuku.

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Tana Padilla | How To Have Racial Reconciliation in Your Church - EPISODE 056

Tana Padilla is the FIRST Christian white woman I have ever met personally that is actively fighting for racial justice and advocating for black and brown people. In this episode, we discuss the hard truths of racism in the church and what it takes to see racial reconciliation.

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I talked about RACISM to WHITE PEOPLE for the first time publicly 😯

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I've been participating in a zoom bible study on Sunday nights with @kaleophx and the pastor asked me to share something. If you know me, I don't normally get emotional when I talk in front of people...but this time...I did.

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Chris Townley | Coronavirus and the Church - EPISODE 055

Chris is a co-founding pastor of Kaleo Phoenix a church centered around the idea of “Table Gathering” - before meeting in sanctuaries, church buildings, or cathedrals, followers of Jesus met in homes around tables, practicing the ways of Jesus by eating and drinking together. In this episode, we talk about how he structures Kaleo Phoenix, COVID-19’s effect on the Church, and The Unique Leadership Style of The Trinity.

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Friendship During Quarantine

I was asked to do an Instagram LIVE interview with Alex Brown on friendship based on their book The Iridescent Challenge. In this episode, we discuss practical things you can do to build great friendships during quarantine.

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Erin Lashley | A Voicemail To Myself - EPISODE 054

I wasn't sure if I would publish this right away but I feel it to be necessary. Here is a voice memo to myself of things I'm thinking and feeling at this very moment. Sometimes hearing myself talk is the best way I can process the things happening in my life right now. I hope it encourages you.

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Hafeez Baoku | Lessons from the Roommates - EPISODE 053

The moment I saw Hafeez interview Dana Chanel and her husband Donell, I knew I wanted to have him on the show. Hafeez is a very intelligent interviewer and conversationalist. He and his best friend host a podcast for young men called The Roommates Podcast. In this episode, we talk about Kobe's death, how to make a podcast profitable and dealing with heartbreak.

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Ashley Williams | Bird Means Business - EPISODE 052

I wanted to talk business development I knew I wanted to interview Ashley. She’s a well-accomplished serial entrepreneur with a lot of experience and knowledge under her belt. In this episode, we talk through the most important things to include on your business plan, how to market your app, and marketing mistakes to avoid in business.

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Erin Lashley | Everything Is New - EPISODE 051

Everything in my life is completely new right now. New podcast. New business. New venture. New future. How do you lead a ship with a crew when you don't feel like a qualified captain? It's just me and God and every day I wake up, I ask God for direction: "Left, right or straight?" I'm navigating new territory and a lot of times I feel like I'm by myself. The truth is, it's just me and God...and it's always just been me and God.

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Erin Lashley | See You In 2020 - EPISODE 050

Some of you may have noticed that i haven’t been doing very many episodes lately. I made a PSA on social media a few weeks ago and just realized I never made it on my actual podcast! In this episode, I talk about the exciting things happening in my life and the reason I’m taking a break from Millennials In Ministry until 2020. Take a listen!

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Jake White | How to Become a Youth Motivational Speaker in Phoenix - EPISODE 049

Jake White started throwing sober house parties his Junior year of college because he wanted a place to make friends and have fun, but without being pressured to drink or use drugs. After just one semester of creating Party.0, Jake had hundreds of students attending his sober parties, nationally known sponsors and media coverage across the state. Party.0, Vive18 is a peer-led, sustainable prevention program for teens. In this episode, we talk about the journey of his career and steps others can take if they want to become a motivational youth speaker. 

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Jenna Woods | JWoods Design: An Interior Design Firm - EPISODE 046

Jenna Woods is a successful interior designer with a dream to have her own design firm one day called JWoods Designs. In this episode, we not only talk about her perspective on church culture growing up as a Pastor's kid, but also what it takes to be a great interior designer, how to identify bad design, tips on how to improve your living space if you don't know where to start, and so much more!

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Emmanuel Hernandez | VOUS Worship and Fashion - EPISODE 045

Emmanuel Hernandez is a worship leader at VOUS church in Miami, Florida with Pastors Rich and Dawn Cheré Wilkerson. He's also a personal stylist with a passion for helping people feel great about themselves. In this episode, we talk about how he got into ministry, what's fashionable in 2019, and the importance of staying the course.

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Nick Hand | The Beauty of Conversation - EPISODE 044

Nick Hand is the current pastor of Celebration Church in Fresno California and podcast host of The Table Podcast. With a unique story of growing up a church-kid with a rock star-dream, Nick shares his personal story and gives practical advice about stewarding your season and embracing the beauty of conversation.

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Glen & Yvette Henry | How Married Are You? - EPISODE 043

Glen and Yvette Henry are the hosts of their own podcast called How Married Are You where they sit around and chat about topics surrounding marriage and parenting. In this episode, we recap their most heated conversation to date and discuss the importance of healthy conflict. We also talk about how to encourage creativity in a relationship and how to help someone discover their gifts if they don't what they are.

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Jasmine Tate | God's Been Good A Long Time - EPISODE 042

Jasmine Tate is a singer/songwriter based in Fort Worth, Texas with sounds reminiscent of Tracy Chapman and Lauryn Hill. Her songs are known to be raw, moving stories that provoke people to look inward. Unlike most emotionally demanding songs, Jasmine has found a way to provide hope in the midst of hard realities. In this episode we discuss her favorite lines from songs she’s written, what to do when you lack hope in God, and advice on how to maintain a thriving relationship with God.

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Alex Hanse (Nemo) | The Story of the Foolies Brand from Crushing It by Gary Vee - EPISODE 041

Alex Hanes wanted on to start a movement that would begin to get others to live out their dreams. Through an inspirational clothing line that he created entitled "Foolies" he would use his words along with fashion to empower his friends, family, and many others around him. In this episode we discuss how he started the Foolies brand and the endless possibilities available to millennials who decide to get off the couch and DO SOMETHING.

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Steve Weigel | The IVY Brand + Honest Media - EPISODE 031

Steve is the founder of The IVY Brand which is a longboard lifestyle brand focused on shaping a culture of belonging. He's also part owner of Honest Media - a creative agency based out of Minnesota. In this episode, we talk about how he builds brands and communities and advice he’d give to others wanting to do the same.

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Taylor Barber - "Twigs and Tay" | Finding Identity Through Thrifting - EPISODE 027

Taylor said thrifting was a way for her to see herself the way that God sees her...made me curious enough to ask a few more questions. She’s is incredibly creative and loves to make fashion looks from the blank canvas of thrifting. In this episode, we talk about why people find their identity in others, why thrifting can help you find your own identity, and what to do when you feel insecure.

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