Millennials In Ministry

Jake White | How to Become a Youth Motivational Speaker in Phoenix - EPISODE 049


How To Become a Youth Motivational Speaker in Phoenix

EPISODE 049: Monday, August 12th, 2019.

Jake White started throwing sober house parties his Junior year of college because he wanted a place to make friends and have fun, but without being pressured to drink or use drugs. After just one semester of creating Party.0, Jake had hundreds of students attending his sober parties, nationally known sponsors and media coverage across the state. Party.0, Vive18 is a peer-led, sustainable prevention program for teens. In this episode, we talk about the journey of his career and steps others can take if they want to become a motivational youth speaker. 


0:40 - How Jake got into speaking full time.

5:08 - Jake's process for how people book him to speak.

6:22 - The difference between Vive18 and Party.0

7:10 - Where to start if you want to make a career out of speaking.

9:00 - How to know what you should charge for your speaking fee.

11:40 - The importance of collaborations.

17:03 - The best ways to stay in touch with Jake.

What I Learned from Jake White

JAke truly is one of those people who is just 100% happy all the time. I enjoyed hearing the story of his career and how he figured out a way how to throw parties for a living while he’s working on making speaking his full time career.

I think the most important lesson I learned from Jake in this interview is the importance of collaborations and building your career with someone else. Most people don’t think about how speaking full time can be lonely but how great is it when you can build a career with someone who is a close confidant and friend.

I think a lot of times we are so focused on building our own thing that we don’t look around to see who else is trying to build the same thing. Instead of competing with each other, we could just work together and get there a lot faster. This is something I’m actively doing while building a tax preparation business Pay It Forward Taxes with my friend, Delicia. I very well could do it on my own, but I know for a fact, that if I do it with her, I’ll be more motivated, more disciplined, more excited, and truly just enjoy the process a lot more because there’s something else I can share the experience with.

Hearing how Jake is doing the same thing with his buddy, Thomas, is so encouraging. I hope you find this episode practical and helpful. Especially if you’re looking to make career in speaking. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jake personally. HE’s very accessible and is super down to earth, just ever ready to help others.