Millennials In Ministry

Tor and John Hawley | El Paso and White Supremacy - EPISODE 048


El Paso and White Supremacy

EPISODE 048: Tuesday, August 6th, 2019.

This father-daughter duo is one worth listening to! Tor Hawley is a talented photographer and writer currently enrolled in Law School at Arizona State University. Her father, John, has taught Spanish for over 20 years and served as a principal for over 10 years. In this episode, we talk about the appropriate response to the shooting in El Paso, TX and how to deal with white supremacy. We also talk about how media controls perception and what we can do as Believers to create a healthy culture in society. 


1:15 - Get to know the Hawley’s.

4:15 - Why Tor is going to Law School.

7:23 - How Mr. Hawley with liberal views builds relationships with conservatives.

10:03 - Mr. Hawley's Facebook war.

12:24 - El Paso shootings and White Supremacy: the appropriate response.

16:22 - How relationships can be a healthy solution to racism.

19:31 - How the media controls the narrative of what we perceive.

29:12 - Why Christianity requires BOTH faith (prayer) and action (advocacy).

35:31 - Experiences Mr. Hawley has had that have shaped his political views.

38:15 - Indicators of white supremacy within a church.

40:02 - The root of white supremacy.

43:59 - The Sudan Massacre.

48:00 - The beautiful story of Spain's democracy.

50:09 - Modern-day Moses in modern-day slavery.

51:25 - Places to follow the Hawley's and advocate for those in need.

What I Learned from the Hawley’s

The biggest walk away point I learned from my conversation with the Hawley’s is that the only way to move past white supremacy is to become self-aware, take a deep look inward, and see how you can grow and improve as a person.

The number one thing driving policy is fear. Fear of the “other kind” depending on where you fall in the category. The only thing that beats fear is love. A deep, genuine love and care for the other person — that is what stops fear. It takes humility to lay aside your beliefs and opinions and sit down with someone else who believes differently than you and really try to understand them.

Tor does this so well.

The reason why our country’s behavior is getting rapidly worse is because no one is willing to admit that they’re wrong. That their behavior is out of line and that they need to change. Every major change starts with us as individuals.

Tor and her father both shared several personal stories that deeply moved me. I am truly inspired by their family values and I just know they will continue to positively impact others with the love of Jesus.