Millennials In Ministry

Posts in Politics
I Opened Up in Prayer for the House of Representatives in Arizona - April 4, 2023

On April 5, 2023 (I say the wrong date in the video) I was invited by Corazón Arizona to open up the floor and pray for the House of Representatives. We were guests of Representative Lorena Austin and I was honored to be with them and participate. 🙏🏾 Click here to read a transcript of this prayer which was an adaptation from words by Mandie McGlynn.

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Eastertide #6: We Still Have Each Other | @kaleophx

On this sixth Sunday of Eastertide, Pastor Erin guides us through John 17:1-11. Jesus is departing his disciples giving them the task of continuing his work of liberation and continuing his politics of a non-violent way of resistance to oppression and corrupt government.

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MLK Sunday 2023: From Rage to Shout

I still feel the tension of the life and work of Dr. King because he was assassinated for saying things that I’m going to say to you today. I still feel the tension of rage, courage, confusion, uncertainty, And the responsibility of Truth-telling, which sometimes feels like shouting in the fire. I still feel the tension of the reality that we are the continuation of a story Dr. King couldn’t finish telling…

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Pushing Out White Supremacy | @kaleophx

We're on week 7 of our journey through the work of Oscar Romero and the way he preached the Good News of Jesus among the poor and oppressed of El Salvador.⁠ In this episode, we reflect on Romero's homily from April 9, 1978 and are guided through Luke 24:13-35 as we discuss the importance of pushing back on the line of tolerance for White Supremacy.

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Will You Join God's Work of Liberation? | @kaleophx

We're on week 4 of our journey through the work of Oscar Romero and the way he preached the Good News of Jesus among the poor and oppressed of El Salvador.⁠ In this episode, we reflect on Romero's homily from February 24, 1980, and are guided through Isaiah 43:14-21. God has always been in the business of liberation and tearing down systems of oppression. ⁠Can you see what God is up to today? Can you see the story He is telling? Will you join Him in the work of liberation?⁠

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Eastertide #4: Loving the Born vs. Unborn (Roe v. Wade & Buffalo, NY Shooting) | @kaleophx

Their friend, hero, Lord and Savior was unjustly murdered. He was the one that said He was going to save them from the Roman Empire. But what they saw with their eyes was not him overturning the Roman Empire but they saw the Roman Empire over turned Him. BUT…

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Tor and John Hawley | El Paso and White Supremacy - EPISODE 048

Tor Hawley is a talented photographer and writer currently enrolled in Law School at Arizona State University. Her father, John, has taught Spanish for over 20 years and served as principle for over 10 years. In this episode, we talk about the appropriate response to the shooting in El Paso, TX and how to deal with white supremacy. We also talk about how media controls perception and what we can do as Believers to create a healthy culture in society. 

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