Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged relationships
Ordinary Time #13: Southside Solidarity | @kaleophx

WARNING: In this sermon, I challenge the idea of penal substitutionary atonement and present a non-violent way to view the crucifixion. In traditional seminary experiences, students are often taught the different ways cultures and denominations view the crucifixion, but that's not something everyone is familiar with. So before you listen to this, just know this may rearrange the furniture in in your head and spiritual belief system. If you would like more resources as you explore this idea, please check out the links at the bottom of this sermon!

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Ordinary Time #8: Written-Out Slaves | @kaleophx

A decolonial reading of this text, therefore, challenges us to recover and reclaim the forgotten lives in the text and the context. A recovery of these forgotten lives is by ‘hearing to speech’ their voices, which is an affirmation of their existence in society.

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Eastertide #6: We Still Have Each Other | @kaleophx

On this sixth Sunday of Eastertide, Pastor Erin guides us through John 17:1-11. Jesus is departing his disciples giving them the task of continuing his work of liberation and continuing his politics of a non-violent way of resistance to oppression and corrupt government.

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LaMorris & Megan Crawford | Parenting in an Interracial Marriage - EPISODE 023

LaMorris and his wife Megan have four beautiful children and they serve as the team chaplains to the Cincinnati Bengals. He has a passion for preaching, communicating clearly and effectively the Word of God by sharing with others how God can also do an incredible work in their lives.

In this episode, we discuss how they raise their kids in an interracial marriage, knowing your value and your truth, and the future for the Crawford Family.

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