Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged corazon arizona
I Opened Up in Prayer for the House of Representatives in Arizona - April 4, 2023

On April 5, 2023 (I say the wrong date in the video) I was invited by Corazón Arizona to open up the floor and pray for the House of Representatives. We were guests of Representative Lorena Austin and I was honored to be with them and participate. 🙏🏾 Click here to read a transcript of this prayer which was an adaptation from words by Mandie McGlynn.

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Faith In Action Faith Forum - Feb 2022 (Washington D.C.)

A Recap of my trip to the Faith In Action Faith Forum February 2022 in Washington, D.C.

I also had the opportunity to share a reflection at the Corazón AZ Rise + Vote Town Hall meeting and a few people asked me for a copy. The audio is a recording of that event!

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Will You Join God's Work of Liberation? | @kaleophx

We're on week 4 of our journey through the work of Oscar Romero and the way he preached the Good News of Jesus among the poor and oppressed of El Salvador.⁠ In this episode, we reflect on Romero's homily from February 24, 1980, and are guided through Isaiah 43:14-21. God has always been in the business of liberation and tearing down systems of oppression. ⁠Can you see what God is up to today? Can you see the story He is telling? Will you join Him in the work of liberation?⁠

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Return to Beauty | @kaleophx

What Oscar Romero had hoped for the Salvadorian people is that those in power would see and understand that, like the earth, we are one people and belong to one another. And like Jesus, have empathy for our country’s most vulnerable (the poor). Romero wanted his listeners to see that as God’s good creation we are responsible for our neighbors. So, to bring harm to someone else is actually bringing harm to ourselves.

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A Greenhouse Contradiction: Nurturing Spaces of Peace for Communal Flourishing | @kaleophx

Jesus, Howard Thurman, and MLK all lived in contradiction to the world they were living in. We must also do so if we want to create spaces of peace for communal flourishing. BUT…it starts with a seed in a greenhouse. I could think of no better way to gift the world with who I am than by sharing this message I gave last Sunday called The Greenhouse Contradiction. It strongly represents who I am as a pastor and the community we are growing @kaleophx.

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Our Primary Opportunity | Rise + Vote Town Hall - July 2022

What is the language of a decolonized faith? How do I marry my faith with my desire to see social and political change? Where is Jesus in relationship to the oppressed and marginalized?

I had the opportunity to share a reflection at the Corazón AZ Rise + Vote Town Hall meeting and a few people asked me for a copy. Below is a transcript!

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