Millennials In Ministry

Lauren Beethe | Artificial Intelligence and Political Advocacy - EPISODE 047


Artificial Intelligence and Political Advocacy

EPISODE 047: Monday, July 24th, 2019.

Lauren Beethe is a grad student at ASU studying Communication with a focus on Political Advocacy. In this episode, we discuss Artificial Intelligence, the Face App craze, systems with racial bias, and how to have healthy conversation when hatred runs rampant in political groups. Lauren is an excellent communicator with a deep love for Jesus and people. This is definitely one of my favorite episodes!


1:00 - How Lauren got into studying communication and political advocacy.

2:47 - Eye-opening concepts Lauren has gained from the book Artificial UN-Intelligence.

5:56 - How Facebook is using social/racial bias.

8:10 - The potential danger of the Face App.

15:07 - The fine line between convenience and privacy.

19:25 - How this is impacting day-to-day life.

23:00 - Why Lauren wants to go into politics

26:12 - What minorities can do to beat the systems that are being set up for us.

30:21 - The key to effective communication around this topic.

31:21 - Why hate is easy when we dehumanize others.

What I Learned from Lauren Beethe

The biggest walk away point I learned from my conversation with Lauren is that the only way to solve hate is to force yourself to relate to and love the person you hate. It’s exactly as the Bible states. The greatest commandment in the Kingdom of God is that you love Him with all your, heart, mind, soul, and strength. The second is like it - love your neighbor AS yourself.

The problem is that we either don’t love ourselves or that we don’t view our neighbor as ourselves. If we constantly dehumanize humans, we won’t treat them as such.

This is such a powerful and simple concept, yet it seems so hard at times to get culture to come behind it. If I don’t allow myself to relate to you and see things from your perspective, I won’t have compassion for you in my attempt to not necessarily come to a conclusion, but to simply have healthy conversation.

I think a lot of hate exists within our culture because we don’t even know how to subside our anger long enough to even have a conversation.

This is just one of the many things that stuck out to me from this conversation with Lauren. I am truly amazed by her ability to understand multiple perspectives and show respect and love for people who come from various backgrounds. This is a key attribute that so many of us are missing.