Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged party.0
Erin Lashley | See You In 2020 - EPISODE 050

Some of you may have noticed that i haven’t been doing very many episodes lately. I made a PSA on social media a few weeks ago and just realized I never made it on my actual podcast! In this episode, I talk about the exciting things happening in my life and the reason I’m taking a break from Millennials In Ministry until 2020. Take a listen!

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Jake White | How to Become a Youth Motivational Speaker in Phoenix - EPISODE 049

Jake White started throwing sober house parties his Junior year of college because he wanted a place to make friends and have fun, but without being pressured to drink or use drugs. After just one semester of creating Party.0, Jake had hundreds of students attending his sober parties, nationally known sponsors and media coverage across the state. Party.0, Vive18 is a peer-led, sustainable prevention program for teens. In this episode, we talk about the journey of his career and steps others can take if they want to become a motivational youth speaker. 

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