Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged downtown church
Epiphany #3 - Liberation in Genealogy | @kaleophx

On the weekend of MLK Day, my husband and I had the privilege of having dinner with one of our city’s matriarchs, Linda Morris, and this sermon was inspired by her. Click here for a recording from that gathering and a transcript of my message notes.

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Advent #2 - Vote & Make Crooked Places Straight | @kaleophx

The coming of the birth of Jesus was indeed a threat to political power, authority, and rule. But to those experiencing oppression, the coming of Jesus was a gift of hope and liberation.

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Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, Truthsgiving, and the Persistent Widow | KALEO PHX

After the heavy week of Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, and ASU Multi-cultural center, I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, November 21, 2021. This is a recording from that gathering and below is a transcript of my message notes.

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Ordination Service at Kaleo Phoenix

The ordination service was nothing short of amazing. I was definitely a bit stressed (it was rainy and cold all day) and my message didn’t come out exactly as I planned, but all in all, I’m grateful.

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