Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged truthsgiving
Truthsgiving: A Trial of Tears | @kaleophx

“Truthsgiving, coined by Indigenous activist Christine Nobiss is meant to dismantle common misunderstandings about Thanksgiving with...well, the truth. Some say Thanksgiving is celebrated at the expense of Native peoples, and while America celebrates a day of thanks with feasts and football, many Native Americans continue to live with disparities and economic hardships…”

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Epiphany #3 - Liberation in Genealogy | @kaleophx

On the weekend of MLK Day, my husband and I had the privilege of having dinner with one of our city’s matriarchs, Linda Morris, and this sermon was inspired by her. Click here for a recording from that gathering and a transcript of my message notes.

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Advent #2 - Vote & Make Crooked Places Straight | @kaleophx

The coming of the birth of Jesus was indeed a threat to political power, authority, and rule. But to those experiencing oppression, the coming of Jesus was a gift of hope and liberation.

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Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, Truthsgiving, and the Persistent Widow | KALEO PHX

After the heavy week of Julius Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, and ASU Multi-cultural center, I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, November 21, 2021. This is a recording from that gathering and below is a transcript of my message notes.

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