Millennials In Ministry

Posts tagged critical race theory
Stained Glass: The Incarnate | KALEO PHX

In order for something to be reconciled, you have to give a full account of what was done. Everything must be accounted for. So for us to truly see racial reconciliation, we must give an account of every racial injustice that has happened in our country. Which is messy...difficult...hard...but it must be done if we are to build multi-ethnic communities of healing. A flourishing church. A highly incarnational church.

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Church History IS Critical Race Theory | KALEO PHX

To not acknowledge the history of something, is to perpetuate the existence of something. This is why Critical Race Theory is important. I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, June 6, 2021 and this is a recording from that gathering. Click to see is a transcript of my message notes.

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Advertising, BLM, CRT, and the Formation of Repetition | KALEO PHX

I never would have thought 5 years ago that I would be a pastor and the topics in my sermon would be these. The work that we're doing at Kaleo Phoenix, I truly believe, is a move of the Spirit and I'm blessed to be a part of it. I spoke at Kaleo Phx on Sunday, May 16, 2021 and this is a recording from that gathering along with a transcript of my message/notes.

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