Millennials In Ministry

Ericka Byrne | Book Review: I'm Still Here - Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness - EPISODE 012

She's baaaack! My sister Ericka has been telling me about this book #ImStillHere by Austin Channing Brown non-stop so I thought it would be cool to do a book review live on Instagram with her this Monday!

What's so great about the book? As a black woman married to a white man why is race so important to you? How do you digest your views of this book in light of being a Christian? What's your greatest encouragement for people of all races to understand?

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Kenyonna Geraci | Interning at Elevation Church - EPISODE 011

She waited two years to become an intern at Elevation Church and now I get hear about her experience! Was it everything she hoped it would be? Was Steven Furtick everything she expected? What was the culture like at Elevation Church? Find out on this episode and be sure to follow Kenyonna on Instagram.

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Jeremy & Jasmine Lopez | Pursuing Your Dreams as a Family - EPISODE 010

I met the Lopez family through my sister and absolutely love their family. They've been through a lot, learned many lessons, and are beautifully living out their passions. Not only is Jeremy the visual director @soulcitychurch but Jasmine is a full-time Mom, photographer, and homeschooling their eldest girl. In this interview, I'm going to ask them the story of how they got their firehouse dream home and how they're following their dreams as a family!

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Darek Cobbs | Pursuing My Musical Grind - EPISODE 009

From playing keys as a kid at Christian Life Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan to traveling the world with Charlie Puth, Nikki Minaj, Ne-Yo, Pharrell Williams, Agnezmo, and so many more. Darek has accomplished a lot but is just getting started in his musical career. In this episode we talk about his grind as a musician and how he got his big break.

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Brittany and Devin Terris | Beauty In Suffering - EPISODE 008

Brittany and Devin Terris, a young couple tell the story of how their life dramatically changed after husband, Devin, suffered a tramatic brain injury. In this episode we discuss the beauty of growth that comes from suffering.

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Tyler and Sammi Bush | Doing Full-Time Ministry Part-Time - EPISODE 007

Tyler and Sammi Bush are the Young Adult Pastors at Christ for the Nations in Phoenix, Arizona. Not only are they young adult pastors but they also own a hair salon, model, and raise a family! In this episode we discuss how they do full-time ministry...part-time.

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Morgan Edwards | How To Run A Successful Creative Team - EPISODE 006

Morgan Edwards is the Creative Director at World Overcomers Christian Church in Durham, NC. In this episode we discuss his creative processs, how to run a thriving creative team, and things that hinder creativity.

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Benji Suprice | Dear Young Preacher Co. - EPISODE 003

While searching for young preachers on Instagram I discovered @b_suprice and his video blog After getting to know him a bit more, I thought he would be great to feature on #MillennialsInMinistry to talk about purpose, the pitfalls of youth ministry, and things he's learning as he prepares for the future as a preacher.

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Steven Siwek | The Future of the Church - EPISODE 002

@stevensiwek is the director executive producer of the film Future of the Church. In this episode we talk about where he thinks the church is going based on the 80+ pastors he's interviewed across the nation, how millennials can lead the church in creativity, and we'll get insight on his latest short film: Dear Church, I'm Gay. 

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