Millennials In Ministry

Posts in Author
Lindsay Ayers | The Faith Feast - EPISODE 021

I honestly wasn't expecting our conversation to go where it went...but gosh, @thefaithfeast had so many great things to say about purity! I LOVED chatting with her! I literally felt like I was having coffee with a younger version of @oprah on the porch of a southern home in Mississippi. Her candid, frank humor had me laughing most of the interview and getting to connect with someone else in the same season of life really encouraged me.

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Zach Windhal | The Bible Study - EPISODE 016

Zach Windahl is an entrepreneur who loves helping others realize their identity and encouraging them to chase their dreams. Zach grew up a Christian, but in 2014 he went on a journey to Australia in search of the God of the Bible. He needed his stagnant faith to become real. God showed up and completely transformed Zach's life. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this episode, we talk about WHY he wrote this study and HOW he thinks it will help #millennials consume the #Bible.

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